On today’s opening day of IMMAF’s third Technical Seminar Week, the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation unveiled its forthcoming “Lets Mix Martial Arts” programme for 4 to 11 year old school children, in a seminar led by IMMAF Director of Sport Development, Dr. Andrew Moshanov.
The focus on of the talk was the additional training that will be required of IMMAF certified coaches, besides vetting in accordance with national child protection policies, and why. It looked at the phases of cognitive, physical and social engagement in young children; the importance of measuring and adapting to the developmental profiles of individual children; and how developmental gaps should be addressed before a child embarks on any sport specific development. An overview was given of the “Let’s Mix Martial Arts” programme, which will be available to National Federations soon.
The first day of IMMAF Technical Seminar Week 2020 attracted 150 registrants online, peaking at 100 members in attendance at any one time.
Today’s programme was opened by IMMAF President Kerrith Brown, whose welcome talk celebrated 2020’s achievements, including the legalisation and regulation of MMA in France, after many years of determined campaigning:
“And with international MMA hitting Paris last week, we watched the sport truly arrive. This pivotal moment creates waves outside France, since the ban there has shaped the Council of Europe’s perception of the sport and impacted our application for GAISF recognition. “
He moved onto address what an extremely challenging year it had been for the IMMAF family, “since the bombshell of the global pandemic took hold” and the ensuing cancellation of 2020 Championships.
Looking ahead with reference to IMMAF’s new 2021 – 24 Strategy Plan, the President homed in on the continued priorities for IMMAF of sport development, attaining sport and Olympic recognition and commercialisation. He pledged enhanced investment into the areas of commercial, PR and marketing, from IMMAF’s increasing hosting rights income, in order to grow IMMAF’s brand and consumer value
In the face of the COVID pandemic, the President rallied IMMAF’s members:
“It is our duty now to put everything in place for MMA to emerge on an even stronger platform when sport can fully resume again. We must keep focused on our long term dream of Olympic recognition, which we continue to move closer to every passing week. We are fighting people, well used to standing up again every time we are knocked down and well tested in holding our ground when in a corner. We well know how to feel out the opportunities to reverse any fight. And so, together, as an unwavering force, we cannot be stopped.”
The IMMAF CEO, Densign White, who has been listed for a Queen’s Birthday Honours Award of an MBE, thanked the membership for their messages saying that he had been “overwhelmed by the response from my IMMAF and judo families”.
White updated the membership about the status of IMMAF’s ongoing application to GAISF for sport recognition, against continued resistance from other sports, and described communications with the body as ongoing. He underlined the importance of international sport recognition due to its impact on local recognition and the mandate for National Federations to govern and regulate the sport. Meanwhile, he noted that 49 of IMMAF’s member federations now have national level recognition. White also cited improvements in the new World Anti-doping Agency Code for 2021 which will give the organisation more independence in approving signatories. He stated his hope that through ongoing conversations with WADA, IMMAF could yet avoid going to court with them, though a court date has been set for January. He also spoke of IMMAF’s recent positive Governance Audit, completed Annual Report and the continuance of UFC sponsorship into 2021
The closing session of the day was a Coaching Matters seminar, featuring two topics and speakers: PHD researcher, Chris Kirk of Liverpool John Moore University (UK) talked about the risks posed by rapid weight cuts to athletes, while IMMAF Australia President Richie Cranny fed back on his recent national pilot of IMMAF Stand-Up & Groundwork Coaching qualifications for MMA. The courses and qualifications are now available from IMMAF for National Federations
All today’s seminars are available on demand for members
IMMAF returns tomorrow (Tuesday 13) with Day 2 of its Technical Seminar Week. See full programme below.
IMMAF members interested in attending any seminars, should contact their National Federation for information.
See the full updated, event programme below, and further information detailed on the event page at immaf.org
12 – 16 OCTOBER 2020
13:00 hrs (UTC+1):
President’s Welcome & CEO Update
with President Kerrith Brown & CEO Densign White
14:00 hrs (UTC+1):
On Youth Development (4 – 11 year olds)
plus overview of “Lets Mix Martial Arts” for schools
with Dr. Andrew Moshanov, Director of Development
15:00 hrs (UTC+1):
Coaching Matters: Impact of rapid weight loss;
MMA Stand-Up & Groundwork Coach Pilot
with Chris Kirk, PHD – Researcher John Moore University of Liverpool;
Richie Cranny, IMMAFA President, Wimp 2 Warrior founder
14:00 hrs (UTC+1)
Women’s Commissions Assembly
(by private invitation for commission members only)
15:00 hrs (UTC+1):
Social Media Workshop for National Federations
with IMMAF Social Media Manager, Andreas Georgiou (Uni4m Media);
IMMAF Brand & Communications Director, Izzy Carnwath
16:00 hrs (UTC+1)
Integrity, Transparency & Accountability
in the Governance of MMA: How does your Federation Match Up?
with IMMAF CEO Densign White
13:00 hrs (UTC +1)
MMA FIT (aerobic workout session)
with Bertrand Amoussou
14:00 hrs (UTC+1):
Cultivating National Membership
with Gosha Malik and Jorden Curran, Member Relations Team
15:00 hrs (UTC+1)
Commissions Congress
by private invitation for commission members only
14:00 hrs (UTC+1)
“COVID – What we know, what we can do.”;
Concussions – 2020 Update
with Dr. David H Wang, IMMAF Medical Committee
15:00 hrs (UTC+1)
Why Regulatory Pathways are Essential
with Marc Goddard, IMMAF Director of Regulatory Affairs
14:00 hrs (UTC+1)
Anti-doping: National Federation Responsibilities
Under the 2021 Code
with Anti-doping Consultant, Michele Verroken (Sporting Integrity)
15:00 hrs (UTC+1)
Championships Q&A with Events Team
Live chat with IMMAF events team
16:00 hrs (UTC+1)
Presidents’ Closing Speech
with President Kerrith Brown