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IMMAF Around the World: Spotlight on Spain

By Sophie Mueller

Main image: Spain’s Antoni Josep Marti Segarra places Bronze in the 2019 IMMAF Junior World Championships

Antonio Garcia

FELUCHA (the Spanish Federation of Olympic Wrestling) is the only entity recognised by the government of Spain and the Higher Sports Council for the governance of MMA.

Antonio Garcia from the FELUCHA MMA Technical Committee explains, “FELUCHA is a national federation with Olympic status, that provides a solid structure and privileges for the sport of MMA that would have been impossible to achieve in Spain through an independent association.”

Through the organisation’s dedicated work and government support, the Spanish Amateur MMA Championship is held every year, creating the opportunity for the resulting champion in each weight class to represent their country in IMMAF’s international championships. Notwithstanding the fall-out from COVID19, FELUCHA is preparing its next national championship for November 2020.

The federation holds its presidential elections every four years. Once a year, it holds a National Assembly with several other assemblies also hosted throughout the year. Currently FELUCHA has 300 club members and holds open training courses for coaches at least three times a year.

Since FELUCHA created its dedicated National Professional MMA Committee, it has taken on the sanctioning of professional MMA events in Spain. The organisation provides trained referees, as well as technical and legal support to promoters of professional events.

When asked about their proudest achievements, Garcia comments:

“We have a professional fighter that has come up through our federation now in the UFC, Juan Espino; and we are proud of the results obtained last year by our national amateur team in international IMMAF championships.

“It is also fantastic that MMA in Spain has achieved Olympic recognition and government support. Looking forward, we are eager to watch our counterparts in other IMMAF nations likewise gain their national Olympic recognition.”


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