The Board of Directors of the International Mixed Martial Arts Federation (IMMAF) met on 7/8 February in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, to formulate policy and approve action plans for 2020.
The IMMAF Directors agreed to step up efforts to gain official recognition from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the Global Association of International Sports Federation (GAISF) while continuing to strengthen IMMAF’s operational capacity.
The membership of IMMAF Commissions was approved, as was a new IT platform designed to ensure efficiency of communication. In addition, a 2020 Action Plan for each team was approved.

IMMAF was also pleased to welcome a new member from Uzbekistan (with Observation status).
The formation of Area commissions for Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and Americas were also approved and appropriately, a Central Asian commission, made up of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, was also launched in Nur-Sultan.
IMMAF President Kerrith Brown said:
“The creation of these Area and Regional Commissions, under the IMMAF umbrella, will allow our policies and values to develop more quickly at local level, where the impact on the development of amateur MMA will be greatest.”
The Board also approved a revamp of the IMMAF brand, website and a new IT strategy,the latter of which will be managed by a new consultant Tobias Sahlin.
Densign White, IMMAF CEO said:
“We have had a very productive couple of days of meeting, and the Board has set out clear project guidelines for our teams to activate and deliver. We will be focusing on building an efficient commercial unit to untap the potential of IMMAF to generate significant revenues.”
IMMAF’s Continental Championships will kick off with the Oceania Open at the Gold Coast from 6-8 March, while registration is now possible for the IMMAF Africa Open Championships in Johannesburg, South Africa from April 15-18th.
The Asian Open will be taking place at the state of the art Palace of Combat and Martial Arts in Nur-Sultan in June.