nd place (after Russia) by the Irish team in the 2018 IMMAF – WMMAA Unified World Championships also gave grounds for celebration, as did members’ continued upholding of the world’s highest medical standard for MMA competitors. The IMMAF President later commended IMMAA as the first National Federation in the world to achieve the Safe MMA Gold standard in participant safety. Kavanagh also announced the appointment of consultants Denis Rowan and Associates to support the development of IMMAA’s Strategic Development plan, and put in place the processes required of IMMAA as a National Governing Body. A significant motion was passed by the AGM:
- IMMAA will continue the practice of issuing a statement distancing the association from any MMA events in Ireland that have not engaged with IMMAA’s safety requirements
As the National Governing Federation of MMA in Ireland (recognised by IMMAF- WMMAA) the IMMAA board put the motion to the AGM and received a unanimous mandate for its leadership on this matter. IMMAA has no legal authority to” police” MMA events that have not engaged and do not do so. The Board supported by the membership consider it necessary for IMMAA to issue statements distancing itself from all non-compliant events: This is to ensure that the IMMAA ‘s Event Safety Standards and the integrity of the National Federation’s Gold Standard in Athlete safety is preserved. [caption id="attachment_21718" align="alignright" width="388"]

IMMAF President Kerrith Brown[/caption] Further open discussion topics included the Safe MMA ‘Gold’ standard requirement for one-off MRI scans for amateurs. The IMMAF – WMMAA CEO promoted the importance focussing on the development of the grassroots of our sport and commended the sporting programmes scheduled in 2019 by IMMAA members. He supported the proposal for more mat based and light/ semi-contact gym competitions, particularly for youths (for whom head shots are not permitted.) Three board positions were put to vote with Owen Roddy and Liam O’Griffin re-elected. Tim Murphy was also elected to the Board. Ordinary business included the reviewing and adopting of minutes from the previous AGM, approval of the 2017 financial accounts, appointment of auditors for filing of accounts and discussion of individual membership fees. Chaired by Chairman Clive Staunton, board members in attendance included President John Kavanagh, Treasurer Liam O’Griffin, Owen Roddy, Deano Sullivan, Tim Murphy and David Jones. Following the morning’s Annual General Meeting, the afternoon included talks and open discussions with Safe MMA representatives Professor Dan Healy and trustee, Isobel (Izzy) Carnwath, as well as the IMMAF – WMMAA CEO and President, in which developing young Irish talent pathways towards the long goal of competing in future Olympic Games was advocated. [caption id="attachment_21713" align="alignnone" width="3304"]

Group of attendees from afternoon discussion group[/caption]]]>