Following an introductory meeting with the IMMAF and UFC, PLMMAF representatives (Paweł Harasim & Piotr Michalak) attended the Friday pre-weigh ins and fighter medical examinations, speaking with the UFC’s lead medical consultant. They then attended the official weigh ins with UFC officials.
On Saturday, PLMMAF representatives shadowed event operations from set up, speaking with officials, commissioners, the medical team, UFC regulatory and operations team, cutmen and drugs testing staff. The representatives were also present for the officials’ meetings. PLMMAF representative, Pawel Harasim, said: “I’d like to say thank you to David Allen and Clare Wetton and to all UFC officials for their support. It was a great experience that made us wiser and also made us part of history, this being the very first UFC event in Poland. I would also like to thank Kerrith Brown for supporting us during this event on behalf of IMMAF.”
