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Paris hosts first Certified IMMAF Cutman Course this weekend

Pictured above: Joe Clifford leads a CFMMA Cutman demonstration on his last visit to France cutman cfmmaVeteran UFC Cutman Joe Clifford will kick off the first certified IMMAF Cutman Course this weekend, May 28-29th, in Paris, France. Click HERE for more information. In conjunction with the French national regulatory body under IMMAF, Commission Française de Mixed Martial Arts, Clifford will lead the entry level Grade-C course in addition to the Grade-B course on May 29th, introducing a fresh pathway that will monitor participants with a view to improve international standards for the field. “The course demand highlights the present need to change International standards, of which there are none, for those attending wounds in MMA bouts,” Clifford explained. “The emphasis throughout will look at personality, the application and a thorough understanding of the rules of the sport, hygiene, and a working knowledge of cross contamination and sanitation in the delivery of treatments, plus the use of natural products.” The Grade-B course will focus on three levels of examination, including: – A 20 question multiple choice exam – Practical hand-wrapping – Treatments “The point of Grade-B is to facilitate a higher standard of ‘second’/’cutman’ who is educated and safety orientated. Each participant will be handed a log book of activities which needs to be filled with details of completed duties that the individual has carried out (e.g. Cutman duties), of which can only be signed off at IMMAF events by IMMAF officials. “In other words, when a participant passes the course and submits their first aid certificate they can start to work on events under the supervision of IMMAF officials.” Successful participants are required to attend 20 events over a minimum of 2 years before applying for a Grade-A which leads to selection for International events, opening the door for further development. Serving alongside course designer Joe Clifford will be an additional examiner, Bob Plant, one of the UFC’s longest serving Cutmen. In addition to successful completion of the IMMAF course, participants are required to attain occupational first aid training, e.g. CPR, AED, Concussion, etc. Additional courses will also take place throughout 2016, with current dates set for Portugal on June 25-26th, and Ireland on July 10th. qwick aid Qwick Aid_1             Joe Clifford’s Cutman Courses are sponsored by Qwick-AID For more information about IMMAF cutman courses contact [email protected] or Joe Clifford directly at [email protected]  ]]>


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