IMMAF members have successfully completed over 1,000 Anti-doping modules on the WADA ADeL e-learning platform.
IMMAF Anti-Doping Commission Chairwoman and Consultant, Michele Verroken, commented:
“Engaging IMMAF members in education through the ADeL platform is a major part of our education plan. IMMAF is fully supportive of comprehensive education for all members, athletes, coaches, officials and parents. We are fortunate that WADA has welcomed IMMAF into the ADeL programme and delighted at the response from IMMAF members. ADeL programmes help IMMAF to reinforce anti-doping education and to promote clean MMA.”
IMMAF achieved registration with the platform in July this year, offering its membership enhanced courses and resources for MMA’s athletes, coaches, doctors, administrators and other participants interested in learning more about anti-doping and protecting the values of clean sport.
IMMAF has implemented a comprehensive drug-testing programme at its Championships since 2015, under the leadership of expert consultant Michele Verroken of Sporting Integrity, as well as ongoing anti-doping education, issuing 9 suspensions to date.