national team tryouts were confirmed for 10 February in Paris [See here for details:] and new board members were appointed. The President Bertrand Amoussou spoke positively of latest developments outlined in the meeting, expressing CFMMA’s hope that MMA will be legalised in France this year, following set-backs in 2018. He spoke of plans for strong participation of the French national team in IMMAF – WMMAA international tournaments in 2019 and of CFMMA’s relaunching of its annual selections. Agreements were reached in the meeting to roll out the progression scheme and gradings to CFMMA member clubs in 2019 with an inaugural black belt grading ceremony scheduled for February. A busy calendar proposal includes a focus on education with the hosting of IMMAF -WMMAA Referees and Judges Licensing and Cutman courses, as well as attendance at the 2019 IMMAF – WMMAA Technical Seminar in Antalya.