The All India Mixed Martial Arts Association (AIMMAA) hosted a weekend of competition and educational courses earlier this month from November 6th to November 8th. The championship events took place in Mumbai at the Rajiv Gandhi district Sports Complex Dharavi On Nov.6 AIMMAA founder Daniel Isaac hosted a well attended Sport MMA Referee/Judges seminar, providing a certificate course complete with examinations on the Unified Rules for amateur and pro events, conducted by Ryan Thorpe. A total or 80 officials from 13 states of India participated – click HERE for details and highlight gallery. The following day saw the completion of a level 1 & level 2 AIMMAA instructors course with training seminar and examinations, conducted by Alan Fenandes and Daniel Isaac with assistant instructors Irfan Khan, Mohd Farhad Sayyed and Dhruv Chowdhary, all of whom are professional MMA competitors. Also on Nov.7, the AIMMAA hosted a national level submission wrestling championships with victors including Dhruv Chowdhary in the -80kg elite category, and Yogesh Jadhav of the +80kg elite category. 100 participants from across India took part. Nov.8 saw the AIMMAA Maharashtra State Sport MMA Championships featuring light contact/semi contact and submission wrestling with 300 participants from across the state representing karate, kickboxing, judo, taekwondo, BJJ, MMA and wrestling clubs – highlight gallery below. Sport MMA is a light contact form providing a platform for safe engagement in MMA adapted for recreational participants and youths The closing ceremony was attended by the founder members of Maharashtra state association and key members of the AIMMAA board including President Jitendra Jain. Competitions Prizes were distributed by Smita Thackeray, President of the Mixed Martial Arts Association of Maharashtra, and Dipesh Nirupam, President of the Mumbai Suburban MMA association. Dipesh Nirupam served as chairman and host of the organizing committee with chief event organiser Shihan Sharif Bapu, chief AIMMAA delegate of western & central India. For more information on the AIMMAA visit See below for a photo gallery showing highlights from the Sport MMA Championships.