A new and vibrant hub for Mixed Martial Arts is developing in South-East Asia. With athletes and organizations, both commercial and non-profit, emerging at a fast rate this part of the globe has quickly become a key area in the world of MMA. The IMMAF is proud to be part of this development as we today present our newest member – the Malaysia Mixed Martial Arts Association. The Malaysia Mixed Martial Arts Association (MASMMAA) is the governing body for MMA, registered under the Malaysian Sports Development Act 1997 which regulates the general development, administration and promotion of sports. The MASMMAA has in a short period of time managed to secure good relations for MMA as a sport with the Malaysian government, and on December 11th 2013 the federation was duly formed and officially announced by the Minister of Youth & Sports. Other than the overall duties of a national federation to secure the recognition and development of the sport on all levels, the MASMMAA’s objectives are to establish a strong national team to compete regionally and internationally as well as to ensure a safe and well-functioning environment for international MMA promotions to choose Malaysia for their events. The MASMMAA works to promote MMA in Malaysia through educational programs, awareness campaigns, events, competitions, seminars and an active social media presence. This open and engaging approach has so far been very successful as the general opinion of MMA in the country is significantly better than in many other countries. “We are very excited to welcome Malaysia to the IMMAF global family” says IMMAF President Bertrand Amoussou. “The MASMMAA have been thorough in engaging the MMA community on all levels, thus establishing a good base to stand on when moving on to presenting MMA to the government and the general public. It is exciting to bear witness to the rapid and positive development that MMA has had in Malaysia, and we are confident that the efforts of the MASMMAA will serve as a good example for the rest of this emerging region.” ### Contact information: [email protected]]]>